Jointly provided by Impact Education, LLC and Medical Education Resources, Inc.
This activity is supported by independent educational grants from Celgene Corporation and Sanofi Genzyme.
Monday, March 25, 2019
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
San Diego Convention Center
Room: 15AB
San Diego, CA
Please note: No additional fee is required to attend this CME/CPE activity; however, registration to the AMCP Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy Annual Meeting 2019 is required.
Click here to download the slides from this symposium.
If you attended this symposium and need to complete an evaluation or claim credit, click here. Use code 0325. Be sure to follow the instructions to claim credit after submitting your evaluation.
Hot Topics
- Clinical overview of emerging MS therapies
- Recent insights into cost offsets associated with new and emerging MS therapies
- Utilization management and benefit design strategies for MS therapies
- MS care pathways manage economic outcomes
Expert Faculty Presenters
Edmund Pezalla, MD, MPH
Enlightenment Bioconsult, LLC
Harold Moses, Jr., MD
Associate Professor of Neurology
Neuroimmunology Division
Vanderbilt University
Who Should Attend?
This activity is designed to meet the educational needs of managed care pharmacy directors, clinical pharmacists, quality directors, medical directors, members of the AMCP, and other managed health care professionals attending the AMCP 2019 Managed Care and Specialty Pharmacy Annual Meeting.
Statement of Need/Program Overview
Despite the availability of more than a dozen disease modifying treatments (DMTs), health care resource utilization associated with multiple sclerosis (MS) is significant and continues to rise. The continually evolving MS treatment landscape accentuates the need for increased disease and therapeutic knowledge amongst managed care and specialty pharmacy professionals in order to optimize clinical outcomes, reduce treatment variability, and increase patient engagement in their own care. The expert faculty panel will discuss best practices to deliver quality care to MS patients and improve quality of life over the course of the disease.
Educational Objectives
At the conclusion of this activity, participants should be able to demonstrate improved ability to:
- Review the safety, efficacy, and other attributes of emerging MS therapies
- Discuss recent insights into cost offsets associated with new and emerging MS therapies
- Employ utilization management and benefit design strategies for MS therapies to promote appropriate prescribing
- Analyze care pathways and their application to manage economic outcomes in MS
Date and Time
Monday, March 25, 2019
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
San Diego Convention Center
Room: 15AB
San Diego, CA
11:00 AM
Pre-Activity Learning Assessment and Opening Comments/Overview
Edmund Pezalla, MD, MPH
11:05 AM
Clinical Update on Current and Emerging MS Regimens
Harold Moses, Jr., MD
11:50 AM
Costs Offsets Associated with Emerging MS Therapies
Edmund Pezalla, MD, MPH
12:15 PM
Medical and Pharmacy Management Strategies to Enhance MS Patient Outcomes
Edmund Pezalla, MD, MPH
12:40 PM
Audience Q&A Session
12:55 PM
Key Takeaways and Closing Comments; Post-Activity Assessment and Evaluation
1:00 PM
Physician Credit
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint providership of Medical Education Resources, Inc. (MER) and Impact Education, LLC. MER is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Credit Designation
Medical Education Resources, Inc. designates this live activity for a maximum of 2.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Pharmacy Credit
Medical Education Resources, Inc. (MER) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. MER designates this continuing education activity for 2.0 contact hours (0.20 CEUs) of the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.
Universal Activity Number: 0816-9999-19-093-L01-P
This activity is certified as Knowledge-based CPE.
Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest
It is the policy of Medical Education Resources, Inc. to ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all of its educational activities. In accordance with this policy, MER identifies conflicts of interest with its instructors, content managers, and other individuals who are in a position to control the content of an activity. Conflicts are resolved by MER to ensure that all scientific research referred to, reported, or used in a continuing education activity conforms to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection, and analysis.
Americans with Disabilities Act
♿ Event staff will be glad to assist you with any special needs (ie, physical, dietary, etc). Please contact Impact Education, LLC, prior to the live event at (215) 619-8812.
Fee Information
No additional fee is required to attend this CME/CPE activity.
Please note: No additional fee is required to attend this CME/CPE activity; however, registration to the AMCP Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy Annual Meeting 2019 is required.
Pre-registration will close at 12:00 pm on March 24, 2019.
Walk-in registration will be available at the time of the program.
If you have any questions, please call (215) 619-8812 or email
